Indian geography forests mcq questions and answers for class 7th. General knowledge geography mcq quiz online is very useful for all competitive exams like dsc, aptet, tstet, ctet, all state public service examinations. Which state highest and lowest forest cover states in India
1. Which State has the highest forest cover in India?
Explain:- Madhya Pradesh has the highest forest cover in India followed by Arunachal Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Odisha and Maharashtra states.
2.Which state has the highest percentage of forests in terms of area of that state?
Explain:- Mizoram has the highest percentage forest cover (84.53%) in India followed by Arunachal Pradesh (79.33%), Megalaya, Manipur and Nagaland states
3.Which state has the highest lowest forest cover state in India?
Explain:- Haryana has (3.53%) the lowest forest cover state in India.
4. According to the National Forest Policy of 1952, what percentage of plain areas should have forest cover
Explain:- According to the National Forest Policy of 1952, 20% of plain areas and 60% in mountain area should have forest cover.
5. According to the Indian State Forest Report 2021, how much percentage of the area in India?
Explain:- According to the Indian State Forest Report 2021, 24.62% percentage of the area in India.
6. Equatorial forest dense zone is called
Explain:- Equatorial forest dense zone is called Selvas
7. The grasslands of Africa are known as
Explain:- The grasslands of Africa are known as Savannah.
8.What are the wild groups living in the Congo Basin called?
Explain:- The wild groups living in the Congo Basin is called Pigmies and Red Indians in Amazon basin.
9.What is called temperate grasslands in Central Asia?
Explain:- Temperate grassland is called Steppe in Central Asia, Prairies in North America, Down in Australia and Pampas in South America.
10. Which forests are green throughout the year?
Explain:- The trees in these forests remain green troughout the year, because high rainfall (200 cm) areas.