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Social movements in our times quiz online test

 Social movements in our times quiz online test is very useful for 10th class general studies public examinations. Social movements in our times multiple choice questions with answers detailed explanation in this post.   1. Which leader gave the "I have a dream" speech for black civil rights? A) Nelson Mandela B) Martin Luther King C) Robert Mugabe D) Mahatma Gandhi ANSWER= (B) Martin Luther King Explain:- In 1963, over two hundred thousand people demonstrated in Washington to repeal the Civil Rights Act. Check Answer   2. Where is silent valley national park located? A) Tamilnadu B) Karnataka C) Kerala D) Himachal Pradesh ANSWER= (C) Kerala Explain:- Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad was an organization that played a prominent role in the Silent Valley movement. Check Answer   3. The Glasnost reforms in U.S.S.R. started during the time of which president A) Gorbachev B) Boris Y